Cities in Motion, Studio Dumbar.

Through researching the topic of Graphic Design for Emerging Platforms for my dissertation, I explored the impact that evolving technologies are having on graphic design and how kinetic typography and motion graphics are becoming more common within the field as society is used to fast moving imagery due to the use of smartphones, the internet and social media.

Studio Dumbar is a design studio based in the Netherlands who have completed multiple projects which involve kinetic typography. I felt compelled to include them in my dissertation as their work is adaptable with the changing times, as out attention spans are getting shorter, using advertising and design which  grabs our attention in the short time that we see the design has a great impact on how it is received by the public/viewers.

Cities in Motion is a project which involved creating a custom variable typeface which playfully and welcomingly displayed the name of the cities in major train stations in the Netherlands. Each city had a different colour scheme but the consistency was in the movement of the type. This connected the cities together whilst also giving them their own independent feel.

This project was one of the first of many projects which inspired the direction of my dissertation, it has also provided me with a point of reference regarding other projects related to typography and moving image.

Read more about this project here.
Follow Studio Dumbar on Instagram and Twitter.


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This blog is intended for educational and research purposes as part of my university degree.
All visual content included in the blog portion of this website, unless stated otherwise, is copyrighted to its respectful owners and will be linked back to them and the original source. If you own the rights to any of the images included in this blog and do not wish for them to appear here, please contact me and I will promptly remove them.

Athena Stokes

Incredibly adaptable and loves to take on any challenge and learn something new. With a keen eye for detail, strong motivation and determination to get a job done, Iā€™m in my element when using my creative instincts and designing.

DEMO Festival, Studio Dumbar.


Colour Composer, Pawel Nolbert.