Creative Spark, Matt Greenwood.

Matt Greenwood is a motion designer based in Toronto. I came across him and his work when researching motion graphics for my dissertation. I came across his motion Creative Spark and was instantly fascinated.

In the video, we can see live video footage of the side profile of several different  people, this is paired with illustrated motion graphics which creates a consistent movement throughout the piece. I found this combination to be inspiring and leaving me with the desire to experiment with motion graphics and overlaying illustrations over live footage.

Illustrations and various motion techniques occur within the side profiles and within the background around them. I like this techniques as it provides a multi-dimensional feel to the motion graphic. The transition between each person is seamless with the help of these illustrated graphics; they create a consistent movement from one frame to the next, tying everything together.

I think the feel for this video is very fun and experimental and, for lack of a better term, shows a creative spark within it. Watch it below.

Find out more about Greenwood’s Creative Spark here.
Find out more about Matt Greenwood and his work here.
Follow Greenwood on Instagram.


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Athena Stokes

Incredibly adaptable and loves to take on any challenge and learn something new. With a keen eye for detail, strong motivation and determination to get a job done, I’m in my element when using my creative instincts and designing.

Big Mile, Studio Dumbar.


DEMO Festival, Studio Dumbar.