NEMO, Studo Dumbar.

Studio Dumbar, design studio based in the Netherlands, created a brand identity for the NEMO Science Museum in Amsterdam. The NEMO Science Museum aims to make science, technology and research accessible to everyone.

Studio Dumbar created the branding for the NEMO Science Museum to highlight their playful and joyful approach to science and learning. Studio Dumbar explains that they wanted to created a ‘dominant and recognisable brand’ which would span across a variety of channels such as print, online presence and advertising, to name a few.

I believe that work Studio Dumbar completed for the NEMO Science Museum perfectly fits the description of what they were hoping to create. The bold logo acts a beacon of recognition for the brand and everything that it involves. The new designs and colour selection allow the logo to stand out and allow people to instantly recognise it. It will allow people to easily find their way to the museum whilst also illustrating everything that the brand has to offer.

Read more about this project here.
Follow Studio Dumbar on Instagram and Twitter.
Check out the NEMO Science Museum here.


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This blog is intended for educational and research purposes as part of my university degree.
All visual content included in the blog portion of this website, unless stated otherwise, is copyrighted to its respectful owners and will be linked back to them and the original source. If you own the rights to any of the images included in this blog and do not wish for them to appear here, please contact me and I will promptly remove them.

Athena Stokes

Incredibly adaptable and loves to take on any challenge and learn something new. With a keen eye for detail, strong motivation and determination to get a job done, I’m in my element when using my creative instincts and designing.

Stefan Sagmeister.


From Paper to Screen.