Observing Architecture.

When researching for a wayfinding project, for the Titanic Quarter in Belfast, I begun to look into shapes and architecture for inspiration.

For my project, I took inspiration from the shape of the Titanic ship itself, and made comparisons to the Titanic Museum Belfast. This allowed me to create uniquely shaped signs for outdoor wayfinding and information.

Daniel Libeskind, an American-Polish Architect that I had discovered on my research journey, had become a source of inspiration for this project due to the nature of his work. Libeskind has created architecture which has a resemblance of that of the Titanic and the Titanic Museum, with the sharp angles and creative design.

I found this to be a helpful source of reference throughout this project.

Find out more about Libeskind Studio here.
View the work of Libeskind Studio here.
Follow Studio Libeskind/Daniel Libeskind on Instagram and Twitter.


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This blog is intended for educational and research purposes as part of my university degree.
All visual content included in the blog portion of this website, unless stated otherwise, is copyrighted to its respectful owners and will be linked back to them and the original source. If you own the rights to any of the images included in this blog and do not wish for them to appear here, please contact me and I will promptly remove them.

Athena Stokes

Incredibly adaptable and loves to take on any challenge and learn something new. With a keen eye for detail, strong motivation and determination to get a job done, I’m in my element when using my creative instincts and designing.


From Paper to Screen.


Motion Madness.